Pitkästä aikaa!
Olen joutunut pitämään pitkän tauon päiväkirjoista. Kulunut vuosi on ollut polven kuntoutusta rustovaurion jäljiltä. Nyt jalka alkaa toimimaan edes etäisesti tanssia muistuttavalla tavalla, vaikka kyllähän jalkojen käyttö vieläkin on aika vaisua.
Marko Mäkinen tuli kuvaamaan! Se on huippua, koska luovuus alkoi olla koetuksella kamera jalustalla- metodissa. Näin varmaan jatketaan. Paljon olen yrittänyt vuoden aikana opiskella kamerajuttuja. Jotain mielen virkistystä. Niin paljon opittavaa vielä niistä asioista!
Liikkeellisesti tunnun olevani vähän välitilassa. Jotain vähän itselle uudenlaista, tai ainakin erilaista on haussa. Tekeminen etsii hahmoa, vatkaa välillä totuttuja kuvioita. Hakemista. Vie aikaa päästä tottumuksista. Mutta sehän on koko ajatus näissä päiväkirjoissa!
Nähdään pian!
Taaskin, suosittelen katsomista Vimeossa paremmalla laadulla.
Long time no see!
I´ve had to keep a long break from doing the Diary due to my knee. I had injury in my cartlidge and it was operated a year ago. It´s good to be back even if the dancing is still not 100%.
Marko Mäkinen came to do the filming. That´s so nice because I was running out of creativity with filming just with camera on tripod. We hope to continue like this.I´ve tryed to study camera-stuff a lot during the year. So much still to learn though!
As for the actual dancing, I feel I´m in some kind of transitional phase. I´m searching for something new to me, something a bit different. It´s not THERE yet, far from it. Takes time to break out of old movement habits. But, that´s the whole point of this diary!
C U soon!
Again, I recommend watching in Vimeo for better quality!
Moving Human Diaries 7 from Teemu Kyytinen on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Episode 6
Click Vimeo - logo to watch it there in HD for better quality.
A very short clip filmed in Barcelona mainly to test the new Canon 7d.
As the gear is new to me, there are losses of focus etc. Still learning/testing.
A very short clip filmed in Barcelona mainly to test the new Canon 7d.
As the gear is new to me, there are losses of focus etc. Still learning/testing.
Moving Human Diaries 6 from Teemu Kyytinen on Vimeo.
Episode 5
Click Vimeo - logo to watch it there in HD for better quality.
This session was one of those occasions, when you feel that nothing worthfile was being explored. While dancing, the movement felt boring, unimaginative and lame. I also felt I was dancing sooo badly.
Then, reviewing the clips I was surprised that there was something useful there after all. Quite enough actually. Just goes to show, once again, that the immediate feeling is not always the same as how it portrays to the outside.
These sessions are still very much free improvisation, without any concious focus towards anything particular. Later it´s time for that.
This session was one of those occasions, when you feel that nothing worthfile was being explored. While dancing, the movement felt boring, unimaginative and lame. I also felt I was dancing sooo badly.
Then, reviewing the clips I was surprised that there was something useful there after all. Quite enough actually. Just goes to show, once again, that the immediate feeling is not always the same as how it portrays to the outside.
These sessions are still very much free improvisation, without any concious focus towards anything particular. Later it´s time for that.
Moving Human Diaries 5 from Teemu Kyytinen on Vimeo.
Episode 4
Click Vimeo - logo to watch it there in HD for better quality.
This time something a little different from the improvisations of the earlier videos. We´re rehearsing a piece of mine - "What do you see when you see this?" for a gig in Tampere, Finland. There´s footage from the actual performance of the piece from march 2008. The piece was seen 24.4.2009 in Hällä - stage in Tampere, Finland as part of the Tanssivirtaa - dance festival.
This time something a little different from the improvisations of the earlier videos. We´re rehearsing a piece of mine - "What do you see when you see this?" for a gig in Tampere, Finland. There´s footage from the actual performance of the piece from march 2008. The piece was seen 24.4.2009 in Hällä - stage in Tampere, Finland as part of the Tanssivirtaa - dance festival.
Moving Human Diaries 4 from Teemu Kyytinen on Vimeo.
Episode 3
Again, click the HD or right click - watch in YouTube, then HD for better quality
Klikkaa oikealla - watch in Youtube, siellä klikkaa HD nähdäksesi videon parempilaatuisena.
Klikkaa oikealla - watch in Youtube, siellä klikkaa HD nähdäksesi videon parempilaatuisena.
Episode 2
I recommend clicking the HD - button or the YouTube - icon to go and watch the video in HD there. The picture quality is much better!
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